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Legal Research and Writing




Plan for the unknown and make sure you and your loved ones are taken care of.  Create an estate plan that distributes your assets the way you want. Decide now about your end of life health care choices. Choose who you want to manage your financial decisions if you can’t.



When an individual or couple wants to have their estate plan prepared it usually starts with a telephone conversation.  Ashley gets an idea of what they want and she lets them know what they need to think about and decide.  The next step is an in person meeting which takes about an hour.  Ashley often likes to do this at the client’s home or business.  It makes clients feel more at ease to be in familiar surroundings when discussing personal and sometimes difficult things.  


Typical estate plans consist of a family trust, wills, financial powers of attorney, health care directives and preparing a deed to place one’s home into the trust.  If you have had a previous estate plan done, it is helpful to bring that to the meeting.


Estate plans are prepared on either an hourly or flat fee basis. Costs vary depending on the complexity of the plan.        

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